Ty Mendez

Hometown: East Harlem, New York

Birthday: March 5th, 2004

Major(s): Undecided in CSOM

Voice Part: Mezzo

Joined Dynamics in: Freshman Year

Favorite Artists: Drake, Lizzy McAlpine

Other Musical Experience: Musical theater in middle school and choir in high school

Favorite Part of Dynamics: The random inside jokes that I have yet to learn but are hilarious anyway

Fondest BC Memory: Becoming a Dynam

Hobbies: Singing, browsing on Pinterest

Favorite Drink: Arnold Palmer on the rocks

​Your Perfect Day: It’s 72 degrees & sunny and I’m having a picnic with friends

​Guilty Pleasure: Lil Debbie Cosmic Brownies

Biggest Pet Peeve: People who lack manners

Biggest Fear: Losing the people I love

Personal Quote: What’s the best that can happen?


Henry Greiner


Anna Puglisi