Henry Greiner

Hometown: Lancaster, Pa

Birthday: October 21, 2003

Major(s): Biology

Voice Part: Tenor

Joined Dynamics in: Fall 2022

Favorite Artists: Post Malone, Morgan Wallen, Ben Platt, Pitbull, Adele

Other Musical Experience: Theater growing up, Choir and an a cappella group in high school

Favorite Part of Dynamics: The family aspect of it and how everyone loves singing as much as I do

Fondest BC Memory: The night of auditions

Hobbies: Running, tennis, and hanging out with friends and family

Favorite Drink: Water

​Favorite Movie: Grownups

A Typical Weekend Means: Going out with my friends and catching up on sleep

​Your Perfect Day: Being surrounded by my friends and living in the moment

​Guilty Pleasure: Binge watching Glee

Biggest Pet Peeve: People talking very loud

Biggest Fear: Being unsuccessful and unhappy in life

Turn Ons: Humor, drive, confidence

Turn Offs: Rude, loud, disrespectful

Personal Quote: “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”


Justin Sweeney


Ty Mendez