Kimaya Dsilva

Hometown: Dubai, UAE

Birthday: January 20th, 2005

Major(s): Economics

Voice Part: Soprano

Joined Dynamics in: Spring 2024

Favorite Artists: Lana Del Rey, Abba, Fleetwood Mac, Adele, Amy Winehouse

Other Musical Experience: Chamber choir and voice lessons throughout high school

Favorite Part of Dynamics: Making so many new friends :)

Fondest BC Memory: Becoming a Dynam

Hobbies: Playing golf, going to the beach, spending time with friends and family

Favorite Drink: Iced peach tea

Favorite Movie: Mamma Mia

A Typical Weekend Means: Going out with friends and catching up on sleep

Your Perfect Day: Spending the day at the beach with friends, going out for dinner, and having a movie night.

Guilty Pleasure: Taco Bell

Biggest Pet Peeve: Loud chewers

Biggest Fear: Being unsuccessful in life

Turn Ons: Good humor, being passionate about something

Turn Offs: Rude, egotistical

Personal Quote: "If it won’t matter after 72 hours, it never did"


Chloe Tougas


Tristan Kalloo