Ava Samba

Hometown: Plainview, NY

Birthday: December 12, 2005

Major: Music

Voice part: Mezzo

Joined Dynams: Fall 2024

Favorite Artists: Cage the Elephant and Franz Ferdinand

Music Experience: I was in choir and a cappella throughout high school

Fav part of Dynams: Being surrounded by so many supportive people and having friendly faces around campus

Fondest Campus Memory: First football game

Hobbies: Playing piano hanging with friends and going on runs

Favorite drink: Shirley temple

Favorite Movie: The Hangover

A typical weekend: Sleeping in and going around Boston with friends

My perfect day: Being with friends and laughing together

Guilty pleasure: Watching Netflix all day

Biggest Pet Peeve: Snoring

Biggest fear: Letting down people I love

Turn ons: Witty and confident

Turn offs: Mean and bad with pets

Personal quote: “yolo”


Altea Ali


Ava Rissetto